Pioneers EXPO is a Youth Forum on the Sustainable Development of Sri Lanka, initiated by Pioneers Youth. The Forum brings together students from all throughout Sri Lanka to create a dialogue about Sustainable Development through various mediums of expression.

Dont be afraid to take a leap even if your wings are clipped and your feet are tied. Dont be afraid to voice up even if the world tells you not to. Claim the sky Claim your rights Claim your right to a better country, a better life.

Dear Youth, Dont be afraid to dip your wings in the pool of sustainability. Await for Pioneers EXPO 2019, the key to the cage that locked your thoughts!
Despite the availability of many platforms of expression that are popular among the youth, we recognized the lack of productive outcomes of these events that are being conducted as there seems to be no mechanism to incorperate the solutions that are provided in these occations into any national plan.
Therefore, under these circumstances, the Pioneers Youth Organization wishes to initiate a Youth Forum under the motto of 'Adapt to Change'. This Youth Festival will be focused on the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals initiated by the United Nations Organization.
On September 2015, many countries at the UN Sustainable Development Summit, adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in order to initiate development that meets the needs of the present by ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity while simultaneously ensuring that the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs is not compromised. These goals were made with the ultimate purpose of initiating action plans in order to create a sustainable future.
However, it must be noted that it will be us, the youth, who will be leading the remodeled sustainable world in the future. The youth of today, will be the leaders of tomorrow. We are the future. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that youth are integrated into the planning and the implementation of the SDGs.
Therefore, it is our responsibility as youth leaders to take up the challenge of preserving our future, ensuring that we work and pave a way for a sustainable world. And for that, we must act now.
Thus, for the third time, we are introducing a unique platform for youth to convey their ideas, expectations and solutions through various forms of expression, while ultimately demonstrating how they wish their sustainable future to be created and shaped by working towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Furthermore, understanding the importance of youth representation in a country’s policymaking, our main objective is to produce an invaluable document, consisting of thoroughly analyzed SDG solutions and implementations proposed by the youth themselves, through our platform which will facilitate the integration of the youth’s insightful analysis on SDGs to the legislature.
PIONEERS EXPO 2019, the Youth Forum based on the Sustainable Development Goals, is an important milestone in the history of our organization, and in fact, our entire country as a whole. Through this Youth Forum, we hope to initiate a platform where people can voice their own opinions as themselves. As none of the participants will be representing countries in this summit, each individual can present their ideas and opinions, without any restrictions or boundaries, in any form of expression.
This Festival will be an important milestone in the history of Sri Lanka as this event, organized and conducted by the youth, is bound to attract international attention as a Youth Forum based entirely on the Sustainable Development Goals in the world.